BrailleSmith offers high-quality attractive Embossed By BrailleSmith birthday cards to bring a smile to that special someone. Each card is embossed with added braille on the front and inside to fully describe the card and the verse inside.

If you would like BrailleSmith to mail your card for you, be sure to press enter on "return to" on the final PayPal page. This will allow you to complete the form for us to mail your card.


Number BD104

Some people don't think
it's necessary to act wild
and party all night
just to celebrate a birthday.

an older couple dressed outrageously
in party clothes

You should avoid
these people at all times.

Happy Birthday


Number BD103

To a Terrific Friend on
Your Birthday

bright green and purple card with
butterflies and dragonflies

Life is filled with special gifts-
moments to savor and people to appreciate.
Your friendship is special and so are you!

Happy Birthday


Number BD102

On Your Birthday
Celebrating every wonderful thing
that makes you "you."
Your thoughtfulness,
your openness,
your caring...

gold and brown card with lacy trim and flowers

Your fun times,
heart-to-heart talks,
and happy memories...
Celebrating you
for more reasons
than anyone could say-
on your birthday and always.


Number BD101

Don't Think of Us as Getting Older

colorful hippy designs and flowers

Think of us as flower children gone to seed!

Have a Groovy Birthday


Number BD100

To Someone Very Special!
Happy Birthday

three vintage motorcycles and a rider

Wishing you a day that's filled
with bright and happy moments,
because you deserve all the special things
the nicest Birthday could bring.

Have a Wonderful Day


Number BD099

Birthday Greetings

man fishing from a boat on a lake

If all the good things happen
That I'm wishing now for you,
You'll have a wonderful birthday
And a year of Dreams-come-true!

Every Happiness!


Number BD098

On Your Birthday
Hope your special day is filled
with everything you enjoy.

sailboat in the harbor

This wish for
year-round happiness
is coming just for you-
Have a very special birthday,
Then twelve months
Of good times, too.

All The Best


Number BD097

Happy Birthday
From all of us!

Let pockets of happiness find its way
into every corner of a beautiful day
and fragrant memories will come to stay.

five little kittens romping in the grass

Wishing you love and happiness
and wonderful dreams come true
beginning on this special day
and lasting all year through.


Number BD096

Happy Birthday
Hope your birthday
brings plenty of smiles

high heel dancing shoes on a purple card

Enjoying smiles and wishes
is a lovely way to spend a day.

Happy Birthday


Number BD095

Birthday wishes

colorful flowers on a dark pink card

You're one of those special people
who deserve the most wonderful things
that can be wished on a day as special
as your Birthday.


Number BD094

Have a Happy Birthday

Bouquet of pink flowers on a lovely pink card

A sense of peace that lasts forever
A sense of joy in every endeavor
May every wish you make come true
This is my birthday wish for you.


Number BD093

On Your Birthday
May you spend your special day
doing what you enjoy the most.

dark pink flowers on a pink and white card

Wishing you happiness today-
And to tell you you're remembered
in a very special way.

Happy Birthday


Number BD092

Warm Birthday Wishes

seashore with birds and a lighthouse

Want to wish you a Birthday
that's happy from the start
with wishes for all the things
you want within your heart.


Number BD091

Special Birthday Thoughts

bright yellow and blue bird on a turquoise card

Wishing you a day as special as you are,
as lovely as the thoughtful things you do,
and as happy as the times we've shared.

Happy Birthday


Number BD090

A Birthday Greeting For You

purple flowers on a pink card

To wish a Happy Birthday
And a happy year for you,
To wish you all the pleasure
Of seeing plans come true...
To wish you just the best of health,
Good luck, good times, success-
To wish you everything, in fact,
That means your happiness!


Number BD089

For Someone Special,
With Love on your Birthday

bird on a trellis of pink flowers

Thinking of you on your birthday,
and hoping all the beauty around you
will bring a special kind of happiness
that remains with you all year long.

Happy Birthday


Number BD088

On Your Special Birthday

pink flowers in a vase and a Japanese fan

Because you have a special flair
for spreading sunshine everywhere,
Your birthday ought to be like you-
bright and sunny all day through!

Have a Wonderful Day!


Number BD087

Especially for you,
A Birthday Wish

starfish, clam shell and conch shell on a pink card

There's no better time than today
to wish especially nice things for you...
a very Happy Birthday and everything it takes
to make a special and happy year.


Number BD086

Happy Birthday

pink flowers on a pink and white polka-dotted card

Thinking of you on your birthday
and hoping all the beauty around you
will bring a special kind of happiness
that remains with you all year through.


Number BD085

Happy Birthday

pink and purple flowers on a lavender card

There is nothing more important
Than wishing you today-
A very Happy Birthday
In every single way

With Best Wishes


Number BD084

To a Very Special Person
Happy Birthday

orange, gold and yellow daisies and a butterfly

Hoping that the coming years
bring many more roads to follow,
and new ventures to explore.
Hoping the future will take you far
Because of the fine person you are

Happy Birthday


Number BD083

Warm wishes on your Birthday

pink roses

You're one of those special people
who deserve the most wonderful things
that can be wished on a day
as special as your birthday


Number BD082

To Someone Very Special to Me!
Happy Birthday

seashells and sea grass

Hoping your Birthday's wonderful
For you in every way
The kind that really proves to be
A perfect sort of day.

Happy Birthday


Number BD081

Wishing you a very Happy Birthday
May you enjoy every moment of your special day

purple flowers and a butterfly

...That many thoughts are often there
throughout the year with you.

With Best Wishes


Number BD080

Have a Wonderful Birthday

pink, yellow and white flowers

Birthdays come and Birthdays go-
The memories stay behind,
May your memories of this special day
Be the very happiest kind.

Happy Birthday


Number BD079

Birthday Greetings

purple and yellow flowers lying on a potting table

The happiest of birthdays
is wished for you today,
One that's truly perfect
in every kind of way,
One that brings special joy
To everything you do,
And makes every moment lovely,
today and all year through!

Have A Wonderful Day


Number BD078

You're the Man I Love
Happy Birthday
I love your gentle touch
and the warmth I feel at your side,

gold and brown flowers arranged in an old fashion wooden bucket


Happy Birthday


Number BD077

Birthday Wishes For The One I Love

brightly colored trees and a brook on a purple card

This brings you loving wishes
That come straight from my heart
To hope your Birthday's
Wonderful-just like you!

Happy Birthday
With All My Love


Number BD076


pink roses on a pink card

Each time I see you,
I realize
what joy I receive
from the love in your eyes,
And Sweetheart, I'm hoping
you'll always be part
Of this wonderful feeling
I have in my heart!

Have a very Happy Birthday


Number BD075

Especially for you, Sweetheart

colorful pansies and a butterfly

Happy every minute-
That's how your day should be
'Cause happy every minute
Is just how you've made me!

Happy Birthday


Number BD074

Happy Birthday to a special friend

a field of pink wild flowers

Just a warm and sincere greeting
Meant to heartily extend
Many happy birthday wishes
To a very special friend


Number BD073

Birthday Wishes for a special friend
Hope sunshine touches your day with happiness

vase with bouquet of pink flowers

A blissful day is one that sees each secret dream come true and that's the more-than-welcomed kind you're so entitled to.

Have a Lovely Day


Number BD072

For a Special Friend

Gold and yellow flowers and a small butterfly

Just a little card on this very special day,
To let you know you're thought of in a dear and special way.

Have a Wonderful Birthday


Number BD071

Happy Birthday to a Special Friend

Gold, red and brown flowers and a black and orange butterfly

You are someone who can bring a ray of sunshine to anything-just by being you.

Happy Birthday


Number BD070

Happy Birthday to you along each side

turquoise flowers on a light green card

What a joy it is to send
Warm greetings to a special friend
To hope your day turns out to be
As special as you are to me!

Happy Birthday


Number BD069

Happy Birthday
to a special friend
There's an added touch of sunshine... each wish sent here for you

pink flowers in a vase on a turquoise card

There's no end to the happiness this wishes you,
and Always too.

With Love


Number BD068

To my special friend
Happy Birthday

two dolphins swimming together

Hope your birthday is filled with the special joy of knowing how much you're thought of every day of the year.

Have a Wonderful Birthday


Number BD067

For a Healthy Birthday I was going to bake you a cake made with organic soy flour, rice milk, egg substitutes, and non-fat sugar free chocolate.

a dog dressed like a chef, in the kitchen cooking

Then I figured, "why don't you just eat this card-it will taste better"

Happy Birthday


Number BD066

A Birthday Thought for My Good Friend
I guess we're supposed to be "grown-ups" by now,
but I don't feel like I'm done growing yet.
I like being unfinished.
I like being with people who are still learning and changing,
just like you and me.
So let's hear it for us...

starfish and a bird nest with eggs

...the "growing-ups"!

Happy Birthday Good Friend


Number BD065

A Birthday Riddle:
Why did the chicken cross the road?

chicken on the street curb

Because chickens are really, really stupid.
Happy Birthday
(picture of a chicken with a tire mark across his neck and a surprised look on his face)


Number BD062

Something special,
wonderful, and exciting
happened on your

A gift with stripes and a bow


Have a Good One!


Number BD061

It's your birthday...

A flamingo wearing a party hat

(Inside) until you
can't stand on one leg!

Have Fun!


Number BD060

On Your birthday, I'm celebrating you
and the day you came into this world
and changed it forever.
On your birthday, I'm thinking of you
and all the ways you brighten
the world around you.

brightly colored card with party hats and balloons

On your birthday,
I'm wishing you
the same happiness I feel
because I know you.


Number BD059

Happy Birthday...

puppies and kittens
having a birthday party

(Inside) a real party animal.


Number BD058

I'm sorry I missed the chance
to wish you a birthday filled
with laughter, fun,
and happiness...

Flower pot and cupcake with candle

I may have missed
your special day,
but I can still wish you
a year filled
with all the wonderful things
someone like you deserves.

Happy Belated Birthday


Number BD057

It's your day to take a break
from all the things
you have to do...

A coffee cup and flower gardens

...and enjoy what
makes you happiest.

Have a Wonderful Birthday


Number BD056

Friend to Friend

two little girls,
one giving a gift to the other

Wishing you happiness
on your birthday--
the special kind
I find in the warmth
of your friendship!

Have a Wonderful Day


Number BD055

Thinking of you
on your Birthday

Leaves on a dark purple card

A birthday greeting,
warm wishes, too,
Just meant to say
someone's thinking of you.

Have a Happy Day


Number BD054

Sweet surprises,
happy moments,
simple pleasures...

A birthday cake and presents

...that's what you're wished
on your birthday and always!


Number BD053

Birthdays Are...

A raised bouquet of roses

A reason to party.
A reason to get presents.
A reason to tell you
how much I care.

Happy Birthday!


Number BD052

Happy! Happy! Birthday!

Colorful flowers

**This is a pop-up card
of colorful raised flowers**

You were born with all you need
To be anything you choose
You're very smart and
with your heart
There's no way you can lose.


Number BD051

Wishing you every happiness on your birthday
Thinking of you and hoping that you find...
...Your birthday is of the very special kind.

Green leaves scattered around on a light green card

May the year that lies ahead be filled with all
that you could want, a year that's filled
with happiness in everything you do.
Happy Birthday


Number BD050

Hip Hip Hooray!
Birthdays are for happy thoughts
of what the year will bring...

Bright colored packages and stripes

...And you're being wished
a year filled with
every special thing!

'Happy days...a precious
part of treasures gathered
by the heart.'
B.J. Hoff


Number BD049

(front of card)
Birthdays are for happy thoughts of what the
year will bring...

a koala bear holding an envelope with envelopes and flowers on the left side of the card

(inside card)
...and you're being wished a year that's
filled with every special thing.


Number BD048

We really want to help you celebrate
your Birthday!

a group of animal characters smiling

We're assuming,
of course,
that there will
be cake!


Number BD046

Happy Birthday This card is from
the both of us because...

a couple sitting in a movie theater

...We're just down-right cheap.


Number BD044

Happy Birthday repeated across the front

Pink and purple flowers
on a shiny card that is cutout around part of the flowers

May your birthday be filled
with life's simple joys.


Number BD043

(front of card)
Birthday Greetings especially for you

a dolphin jumping in the water
with a sunset in the background

(inside card)
May today be just the beginning of a year that's filled with good things for you


Number BD042

Happy Birthday

the above words are in large letters decorated for a party with colorful stripes and stars

Wishing you the
kind of day when
all life's good things
come your way!

Have a Great Birthday


Number BD041

Birthday Wishes

Bright yellow card with blue and yellow daisies

May your Birthday
be the kind of day
that happy memories
are made of,
The kind of day to
warm your heart.

Happy Birthday


Number BD040

(front of card)
Birthday Wishes especially for you

Large bouquet of purple flowers in the center
with a border of purple flowers

(inside of card)
On your birthday may each moment be perfect and bring you happiness.


Number BD038

Birthday Greetings
Especially for you

Colorful Nautical pictures

Wishing you a
peaceful and relaxing day,
filled with the special
things you deserve,
and everything that brings
you happiness.

Happy Birthday


Number BD037

(front of card)
Have a great time on your Birthday

birthday candles that have been lit
with the words birthday wishes and
happy birthday under them

(inside card)
Wishing you a year of great promise, new dreams, and much happiness.

Happy Birthday


Number BD033

With Warmest Wishes
on Your Birthday
Thinking of you because
it's your day and sending the
warmest of wishes your way
for you surely deserve
all the wonderful things...

Pink tulip with gold trim

...that a birthday
filled up with happiness

Happy Birthday


Number BD032

For Your Birthday

Three American Flags tied up with ribbon

Here's a red,
white and blue
happy birthday wish
for you!


Number BD031

Especially For you...

Colorful patchwork square with flowers

...because you're very special!

Happy Birthday


Number BD029

(front of card)
From All Of Us On Your Birthday.

a bench sitting in a colorful
pastel flower garden

(inside card)
just to say how nice it is to know you and to tell you that you're in our thoughts
today. Happy Birthday.


Number BD028

(front of card)
Warm Birthday Wishes from both of us

pink flower border with a raised pink flower bouquet

(inside card)
Your happiness is at the heart of every wish we're sending, for all the things you'd like to see-and birthday joys unending!
Have a wonderful Birthday


Number BD027

Sorry It's Late

Colorful flowers and butterflies against a pastel card

Although this birthday wish is late...
it's being sent to say
"Hope your day was perfect
and special in every way!"


Number BD026

Sorry I missed your Birthday.
I had an excuse...

a lady sitting on a sofa holding a coffee cup while petting a cat with the other hand

...but I forgot that, too!

Happy Belated Birthday


Number BD025

It's Your Birthday!

Happy snail with a gift

From the minute it starts
'til the minute it's through,
hope your birthday
will be as terrific as you!

Have A Great Day


Number BD024

(Front of card)
**This is a Child's Birthday Card**

It’s Your Birthday Go A Little Wild

Tiger, parrot and Upside-down monkey

(Inside Card)
**A Place to enter the child's age and animal babies to color**

Have a great and adventurous Birthday!


Number BD022

Our Warmest Wishes

Two gray striped kittens surrounded by the words Surprises, Happiness, Birthday

We're thinking of you on your birthday and wishing you everything a happy day, a happy heart, a happy year can bring!


Number BD021

Happy Birthday Partner!

Two Shar-Pei puppies wearing cowboy hats at a party

Who else would you rather
celebrate with?


Number BD020

(Front of card)
I Bought You The Most Unforgettable Birthday

Blue elephant holding present

(inside card)

...I just can't remember where I left it!


Number BD019

(Front of card)
Happy Birthday To You…

Cat wearing hat Playing guitar

(Inside card)
Happy Birthday to You... cha! cha! cha!
Happy Birthday to You...cha! cha! cha!
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Cha! Cha! Cha!
Have A Birthday Full of Fun!!!


Number BD017

(Front of card)
Someone Said You Were OVER THE HILL.

Dog posed as a man With party ribbons And balloons

(inside card)
Then we agreed??
You're over the hill AND Ridiculous!

Happy Birthday!


Number BD016

Happy Birthday

'Happy Birthday' in large letters made from flowers covering the entire card

Wishing you a bright and colorful day full of happy moments you'll remember always. Enjoy your special day with those who mean the most to you, doing all the things you love best.

Happy Birthday


Number BD015

Happy Birthday

Brightly colored balloons and confetti

Here's hoping your plans all work out as they should and your favorite wishes come true--And here's hoping that your birthday will surely bring good times to remember long after this special day has passed.

Happy Birthday


Number BD013

(Front of card)
Happy Birthday

a cute cartoon mouse popping out of a present

(Inside card)
I'm just busting at the seams to wish you a
Fantastically Fun


Number BD012

(Front of card)
It's Your Birthday

Beautiful lake with islands

(Inside card)
With many warm and special thoughts,
this comes to wish you every happiness on your
birthday, and a wonderful year that brings you all the best.

Happy Birthday!


Number BD011

Hoping that your birthday will be...

Adorable kitten in a basket with flowers




Number BD010

It's Your Special Day

Brightly colored squares with leaves and flowers

Whatever brings joy and contentment to you, whatever brings you happiness, whatever good things you want most out of life--may all of these be yours on your birthday and throughout the coming year.

Happy Birthday


Number BD009

Happy Birthday

Brightly colored 'Happy Birthday' in large letters covering the entire card

Your Birthday's a special day, meant especially for you to do all of the things you enjoy doing. With special wishes, Here's hoping you find your Birthday is one of the happiest.

Enjoy this special day.

Happy Birthday


Number BD008

(Front of card)
Sending Best Wishes For Your Birthday

Because you're a very special person,
the best is always wished for you and as your
birthday nears...

Framed green leaves

(Inside card)
May this birthday be the happiest you can
ever remember.


Number BD007

(Front of card)
Birthday Greetings
or as they say in the game...

royal flush with hearts

(Inside card)
...Hope Your Birthday deals you a WINNING HAND!
Lots of Good Luck and Happiness!


Number BD006

(Front of card)
Sending Birthday Wishes Just for You


Farm and rolling hills

(Inside card)

With warmest wishes that your birthday and every day will bring you very special happiness!


Number BD005

(Front of card)
Birthday Wishes

Two dogs going over a fence

(inside card)
May you have the best of birthdays...
May your dreams come true. And, may your heart always smile with special memories.

Happy Birthday!


Number BD004

(Front of card)
no writing

Two men in a boat fishing

(inside card)
May your birthday be filled with happy times you'll always remember, Treasured moments with those who mean the most to you.
Enjoying the things you love best.

Happy Birthday!


Number BD002

(Front of card)
Birthday Greetings To Someone Special

baby chicks on top of balloons

(Inside card)
There are many different reasons why thoughts of you create best wishes for the good things you deserve to celebrate... First of all,
you're special and that's a perfect start for all the other reasons to greet you heart-to-heart.

Happy Birthday


Number BD001

Birthday Wishes just for you

bouquet of white flowers

May today be a day you remember,
As the most special Birthday yet,
And may your heart be filled
with a special joy,
One you'll never want to forget.

Happy Birthday


Number BD000 Birthday Money Holder

**This is a money holder card**
Something Special For You

Treasure chest in the
ocean with gold and fish

**A flap for money**
Spend your Birthday,
just hanging out with
special friends.


Number BD106

Especially for You

gold foil packages
scattered across a
white card

You're a wonderful person,
you're thoughtful and kind,
And you do countless nice things
with others in mind,
so this warm birthday greeting
that's meant just for you
Brings a wish for your happiness
all the year through

Happy Birthday


Number BD107


bright colored letters
decorated with flowers
and birds on a blue card

Thinking of you
and hoping you'll spend
a wonderful birthday-
beginning to end!

Then hoping you're happy
in all kinds of ways
For another three hundred
and sixty-four days!


Number BD108

I care about you
because you're
a really great friend.
I appreciate you
because you're
such a thoughtful person.

pink paper butterfly
lying on ribbons and gifts

I celebrate you
because you're
the birthday girl...

...and because
there are so many
wonderful things about you
to celebrate!

Happy Birthday


Number BD109

**This is a musical card**

On your Birthday,
Here's a list of things
I like about you...
1-this thing
2-that thing
3-those things

all sorts of musical instruments
scattered about

**music plays "What I like about you"
as you open the card**

Happy Birthday


Number BD110

**This is a musical card**

Get ready...
Get jazzed...

all sorts of musical instruments
scattered about

**music plays old timey "Happy Birthday To You"
as you open the card**

They're playing your song!
Have a great Birthday.


Number BD111

**This is a musical card**

The candle-blowing,
the party-going,
The gift-unwrapping,
the all-for-you clapping...

small fancy dog all dressed
up in party clothes

**music plays "Girls Just Want to have fun"
as you open the card**

Let the Birthday fun begin!
Have a Happy One


Number BD112

**This is a musical card**

Happy birthday to one of
the classiest people I know

tacky lady sitting outside her
pink trailer in house slippers

**music plays Garth Brooks "Friends in Low Places"
as you open the card**

...of course, it's not like
I hobnob with with opera
crowd or anything.


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