BrailleSmith offers high-quality attractive Embossed By BrailleSmith Valentine's Day cards to bring a smile to that special someone. Each card is embossed with added braille on the front and inside to fully describe the card and the verse inside.

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Number VAL110


You've got a great heart,
a beautiful smile,
goodness and sweetness,
talent and style...

red and pink balloons
covered with silver hearts

From the very beginning,
a dream come true...
there are so many things
to love about you!



Number VAL111

A daughter
is someone you
nurture and cherish...

A daughter
is someone to be
proud of and love
with all your heart.

deep purple card
with a lacy gold heart

There are so many
wonderful things
to say about a
daughter like you-
but never enough words
to tell you how much
you're loved.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL112

in every way.

pink and red hearts
scattered around the card

Every year, you grow
into a more wonderful person...
and an even more beautiful daughter.
You're unique, caring, and genuine.
I love who you are...
I love who you're becoming.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL113

You're a Blessing

pink and red roses
and leaves around
a lacy heart

(inside left)
Bless you for being
a wonderful daughter
who's always so thoughtful,
so warm and sincere.

(inside right)
Bless you for bringing
such love to your family
and pride that grows deeper
and stronger each year.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL001


To My Loving Wife

Red Heart on a white lacy textured card

(Inside Picture)
2 red roses

It's one thing to be in love,
it's another thing to be good friends...
And it's a wonderful thing to be madly in love
with my best friend!

Love you Always
Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL002


I Love That You're My Wife
When I think of the reasons
I love you,
I hardly know where to begin-
You have such a warm way about you,
a beauty that shines from within...

close-up Red rose petal with Shiny gold writing

Being with you feels so natural-
you've brought so much joy to my life.
And each day we share
makes me thankful
and happy that you are my wife.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL004

It's taken me a long time to understand you
and interpret your actions
and comprehend your motivations,
but I think I've finally got you figured out...

A Gorilla scratching his head

You're nuts!
(But I like you that way.)
Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL005


For My Wife,
My Special Valentine
I Love sharing life with you

Pink Roses in a vase

Nothing means as much to me
As sharing life with you,
Sharing all the hopes and dreams
That someday will come true...
For the longer we're together
And the more we share in life,
The more I know how good it is
To have you for my wife!

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL007

Life is so busy,
it's easy to overlook
the important things...

a bouquet of pink roses in a vase

(Inside) letting the special people in our lives
know how much they mean.
And even though you don't hear this
often enough-
you're thought of with warmth and caring,
not just on special days
like this, but always.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL009

Sometimes when we're doing
the most ordinary things-
like holding hands or sitting next
to each other watching TV-
I look over at you, smile,
and fall in love with you
all over again...

crescent moon in a night sky
with stars all around

I love sharing the
everyday moments
with you,
because one by one,
they all add up
to a wonderful lifetime

Happy Valentine's Day
with Love


Number VAL010

Especially for you,
Grandma and Grandpa,
A loving Valentine

Pink roses in a vase

A thought of all the extra things
that both of you have done,
A feeling of real gratitude
for each and every one...
A memory of good time shared-
a wish for lots more, too
Make up this loving valentine
that's meant for both of you!

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL012

From miles away on
Valentine's Day

Two teddy bears hugging

Though miles may lie between us
and the distance may be far-
You're very close in heart and thought,
just as you always are.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL013

I'm Glad we're friends
No matter how busy our lives get...

Shiny red hearts

(Inside)'ll always be a friend
who means so much to me.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL018

With Love to My Husband
You are my greatest blessing

a couple walking on the beach

I don't know how you've managed
to do everything you've done
To add to all my joys and make
my life a brighter one...
I see God's love reflected
in the things you say and do,
Which is why it's such a blessing
to share His world with you.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL019

For My Husband
my forever Valentine
I love being a part of your life
and sharing all that is you...

Red heart shaped candy

Your outgoing side.
Your private side.
The secret side you save just for me
when we're alone together...
But most of all, I love you-
the only one who could bring
so much happiness to all my days,
my nights, my life.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL020

For my husband, my everything
True love is always there-
in sunshine and in shadows.

the beach at sunset

Sometimes life seems
so full of twists and turns,
I can't tell which direction I'm going,
but no matter how crazy things get,
when I'm in your arms, all the chaos
just slips away.
Thank you for making me feel safe
and grounded and loved.
I love you.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL022

cards, calls, texts, hugs,
kisses, tweets, emails, gifts,

little heart conversation candy

Wishing you
countless little smiley moments
that all add up to
one awesome Valentine's Day!


Number VAL023


You are my husband,
my sweetheart, my friend


You're more than my sweetheart,
and more than the husband
I love very much and take pride in
You're also the friend that I talk to
with ease-you're someone I trust
and confide in...
You care and show interest in
all that I do,
you know me as no one else can.
You're my sweetheart,
my husband, my very best friend-
a special and wonderful man

Happy Valentine's Day
with Love Always


Number VAL024

Happy Valentine's Day to my
Wonderful Husband

The man I'm always
so happy to see,
Who shares all my joys
and my triumphs with me...

a couple riding a tandem bicycle with flowers behind in the basket and heart shaped balloons floating above

The man I have
the good sense to adore,
Who gives me his love,
his respect and much more...

The man who constantly
brightens my life
And makes me so proud
when he calls me his wife!

Love You Lots


Number VAL027

To my sweetheart
of a husband

a red heart on a black and white card

This Valentine's bringing
a heart full of love
and wishes for happiness, too,
From the one who's so glad
she was lucky to get
a wonderful husband like you.


Number VAL028

To my husband
I love you

shiny red checkered card

You're the one I love
waking up to
and coming home to-
the one who makes
the difficult times easier
and the good times great,
and special days like this
even more wonderful.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL030

For My Wife,
The Love of My Life

back view of a lady wearing a long black dress
holding flowers

You're the one I count on
to support the things I do,
The one who builds me up with praise,
and shares my problems, too...

You're there for me
when dreams come true
or when they fall apart-
My friend, my wife,
the only one
I love with all my heart.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL031

Now downloading
Valentine's Day wishes...

an iPhone shaped card
downloading wishes

Hoping today's playlist
includes all your faves
and anything
that sounds like fun to you!

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL032

My husband
you're still the one

large red rose

You're still the one I'd stare at
across a crowded room.
You're still the one I run away with
in my dreams.
You're still the one
who fills my life
with excitement, laughter, and love-
who captured my heart
when we first met...
...and has left me spellbound
ever since!

Happy Valentine's Day
with All My Love


Number VAL033

With love to my husband
You've given me all the things
that make life happy-
a home, a family,
a shoulder to lean on...

two red hearts

...and most of all, your love!

Happy Valentine's Day
Love and Happiness Always


Number VAL034

(Front) A Valentine for My Husband I'll never stop loving you I'll love you today and tomorrow And in all the tomorrows to be... (Picture) a couple kissing on the beach (Inside) I'll love you as long as the flowers bloom And the rivers flow out to the sea... I'll love you as much as my heart can love, Though the years be many or few... To sum it all up in one little phrase- I'll never stop loving you! Happy Valentine's Day $8.95

Number VAL035


The word LOVE in large
shiny red letters on a red card

For the countless ways
you show your love
and for all the goodness
in your heart,
this brings
warmest thoughts and wishes
on Valentine's Day.


Number VAL036

(Front) Across the Miles (Picture) Valentine treats in a bakery window (Inside) I think it would be wonderful if we could have a chat- No valentine, however nice, could substitute for that... But since it isn't possible, the only thing to do Is send a friendly valentine across the miles to you! Happy Hearts Day $8.95

Number VAL039


Someday, when we know everything there is to know about each other, and our lives are filled with more happy memories than we could ever count...


an open gold locket with "I Love You" written inside


...we'll look back on special days like this as if it were only yesterday- still as much in love as ever, still acting like a couple of crazy valentines, asking each other... "Will you be mine?" With All My Love $8.95

Number VAL040

Isn't it kind of strange that even though
we both traveled completely different roads
in our lives, somehow they converged
and brought us together?

a couple walking hand and hand
down a forest path

Maybe "strange" isn't the right word...
"Wonderful" is more like it.
I'm so happy I found you.

Happy Valentine's Day
with Love


Number VAL041

(Front) Because You're Such a Blessing in My Life (Picture) a large red rose on a shiny red card (Inside) I sometimes wonder if you know how fortunate I feel To know that God has blessed me with a love so deep and real. I sometimes wonder if you know how much you mean to me- How sharing love with you has made me happy as can be. Happy Valentine's Day with Love $8.95

Number VAL042

My Sweet Wife

I have never stopped thanking God for you...
Ephesians 1:16

a large red rose by the shiny red writing

So often, I think how happy I am
to be married to you,
and I'm grateful to God for giving me
such a special wife.

You make me feel beyond blessed
and I love you with all my heart.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL043

(Front) My Wife My Partner My Friend (Picture) writing inside a white heart surrounded by lacy pink flowers (Inside) I love you. Not just for the beautiful person you are, but for the special way you make me feel, and for all the things you do to make our life together so wonderful... I love you for being everything I could ask for in a friend, in a partner, in a wife. Happy Valentine's Day $8.95

Number VAL044

For My Wife
How do you do it?

two lacy gold hearts on a dark red card

How do you stay calm and collected
while juggling so much at once,
and how do you make family times
special and fun all the time?

I don't know how you do it,
but I do know I'm one lucky guy-
because I'm married to you.

Happy Valentine's Day with Love


Number VAL045


My Adorable Wife From the day we met, I just knew...


two love birds hugging on a tree limb


I knew you would win my heart... I knew you had to be mine... ...and I knew you would change my life for the better, forever! Happy Valentine's Day with Love




Number VAL046


My Husband I'm so grateful for you


Two cups of coffee by a red rose


Thank you for being so caring- for making the good times more fun, for being close by with gentle support when a plan or a dream came undone... For giving me space when I need it, for sharing in things that I do- Thank you for being so caring, thank you for just being you. Happy Valentine's Day



Number VAL047

To the Wonderful Man I Married

"I have loved you with an everlasting love..."
Jeremiah 31:3

Hearts on a pastel watercolor card

I believe that God created us so perfectly for each other,
that our love and closeness just grow deeper
and more meaningful the longer we're together...

You're everything I ever prayed for in a husband
and hoped for in a friend-
and nothing could make me happier than knowing
I'm spending forever with you.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL049

For You, Sister
and Brother-in-law
Because You're so

red flowers in a vase
by a heart shaped cookie cutter

It's Valentine's Day,
a day of hearts and flowers
and all the love and warmth
that go with them...

What better time to tell you
how often you both
are thought about
and how much
you both are loved.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL050

For My Brother
I just want to wish you
a happy Valentine's Day...

a heart cut out on a
card that looks like
a plank of wood

Well, that's not all I wish.
I also wish I could express
how much I love
and appreciate you.

(Hmmm. I guess I just did!)


Number VAL051

On Valentine's Day,
Brother and Sister-in-law

red card with a
black lacy heart

You surely know
you're thought of
many times
throughout the year,
But it's nice
to mention it again
when special days
are here.

Wishing You a
Wonderful Valentine's Day


Number VAL052

To My
Wonderful Husband
on Valentine's Day

colorful squares with hearts

Real love isn't found
in the falling-
it's found in the staying...
the day-to-daying...
the ups and downs
and smiles and frowns...

Real love is found in the heart
of each and every moment
I share with you.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL053

It's Your 1st
Valentine's Day!

teddy bear on a
heart blanket

Wishing sweet and special you-
a big, happy smile,
some funny, silly giggles...

...and more hugs
than there are candy hearts!

Happy Valentine's Day
with Love


Number VAL054

Your 1st
Valentine's Day

baby white teddy bear
wearing red tennis shoes
holding a heart balloon

This sweet little bear
is just stopping by
To bring you
your very first
Valentine "Hi!"

Hope Your Day
Is Special


Number VAL055

With lots of Love

puppy dog holding a
bouquet of flowers

...'cause you're
a lovable little Valentine
if there ever was one!


Number VAL057

aren't just for kids
or just for
people in love...

valentine treats and snacks
scattered all around

They're also
for the special people
we love-like you.

Have a Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL058

Son, If any of your
"cool" friends make fun of you
for getting a valentine,
tell them there was $100 inside.
That should shut them up.

a group of teasing kids

Oh, sorry.
You were expecting there
to actually BE $100 in here?
(No. See, you just tell them that.)

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL059

Happy Valentine's Day
to the man
I'm proud
to call "Husband."

a well built man smiling
with hearts all around

I could also call you
Hunky Hubby,
Sexy Soul Mate,
or Dreamy Dude.

Love You!


Number VAL067

wanna know why a
special Daughter
like you is getting
this cheesy valentine?

a mouse holding a heart
shaped valentine made
of cheese with holes

'cause you're loved
a "hole" bunch!

Happy Day, Valentine


Number VAL069


On Valentine's Day
and always-
you're loved
because you're...
and most of all...

the above words on
banners trimmed
with pink hearts

...because you're

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL070

Just for you,

teddy bear daddy
and child holding hands

as Daddies go,
you're super-
and you're loved
Just heaps and heaps.
So here's a special
with love that's yours
for keeps

Happy Hearts Day


Number VAL071

It's Valentine's Day
and just wanted to say
that this brings you a big,
"hearty" Hi!

teddy bear holding
a red heart

It brings a wish, too,
for a fun day for you,
because you're so special-
that's why!


Number VAL072


The very best hugs
family times
loving and loved
happy me memories
always special

the word GRANDMA
used to spell out each
of the above phrases

Grandma, you hold
a very special place
in the hearts of those
who love you.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL073

On Valentine's Day

For all the memories,
the sharing and fun,
for all the thoughtful things
you've done-
you're loved...

hearts scattered on
a lavender card

For all your help,
your caring, too,
for being you-
you're loved.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL075

It means so much to
have a nephew like you,
because we share a
special bond of closeness...

dark brown card with gold
writing and gold shiny hearts

That's why you're wished
all the happiness in the world-
on Valentine's Day
and always.


Number VAL077

It's wonderful to have
a Son and "daughter"
just like you,
Because you're both so thoughtful,
and you're fun
to be with, too...

above verse in a big
red heart

So on a special day like this,
it means a lot to say
Here's hoping that the best in life
will always come your way!

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL078

Guess who wants
to be your

a boy and girl
bird sitting on a limb

I do! I do!

Happy Heart's Day


Number VAL081

Luv U

owl sitting on colorful
letters surrounded by
pink and purple hearts

Whoooo's this
Valentine wish for?
It's for yoooou!

Have a
Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL083

With Love, Grandson

arrow through a
heart shaped valentine

You've always been
the kind of grandson
it's easy to brag about.
With every year,
you've grown
and changed so much,
and now you're a wonderful
young man.
Anyone would be proud
and pleased
to have a grandson
like you.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL084

For a Grandson
Who steals Hearts!

tiger dressed like
a pirate holding an
arm load of red hearts

It's Valentine's Day again,
so now it's time to say "ahoy."
And let you know
you're loved a lot,
'cause you're a special boy!

Hope the day is wonderful
for you and all your crew,
Filled with tasty treasures-
and some fun adventures, too!

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL085

On Valentine's Day

red, black and silver
checked card with hearts

Hope your Valentine's Day
will bring
Every bright
and happy thing...

And, Grandson,
with this wish for you
Comes love to last
a lifetime through.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL086

I was on the internet
and came across
a website
that must have
been designed
with you in mind...

a computer with the above
message on the screen


Happy Valentine's Day
with Love


Number VAL087

A Grandson is...

laughter and good times
to share, happiness
through the years,
memories to cherish always.

gold, red and purple stripe
card with gold writing

wishing you a wonderful
and happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL088

it's Valentine's Day

a smiling baseball
holding a bat and waving
a school banner
surrounded by hearts

Here's hoping you're set
for lots more fun
than you've ever had yet!


Number VAL089

A big Valentine
for you,

a sock monkey
holding a big
heart-shaped Valentine

...'cause you're terrific
and loved bunches!



Number VAL090

Hey, Grandson!

This happy
little monkey
has a special wish
to make...

a smiling monkey
holding a heart

He hopes a boy
who's loved so much
has a Valentine's Day
that's great!


Number VAL091

For an Extra-special

a smiling airplane named
Petey surrounded by hearts

Petey's ready for the takeoff
But, before he zooms away,
He's got a special wish for you,
"Have fun on Valentine's Day!"

Love You


Number VAL092

Rev your engine,
put the pedal
to the metal...

a fox driving a race car

...and have a great
Valentine's Day
from start to finish


Number VAL093

you're growing
in looks,
in style,
in smarts,
in chic,
no doubt-
and out...

a smiling butterfly
on a purple card

You keep on growing
more beautiful
every year.

Happy Valentine's Day
with Love


Number VAL094

For a Special

A Heart-to-Heart

pink and purple flowers
on a purple card

Wishing you
a Valentine's Day
you'll remember
with happiness,
because you're
a granddaughter
who is always
remembered with love.


Number VAL095

Just for You,
with love and pride

pink and red flowers
and a butterfly

A granddaughter like you
is a dream come true-
lots to brag about
and lots to love!

And that's why you're wished
the same happiness
you bring
on Valentine's Day
and always.

Happy Hearts Day


Number VAL096

like you give the heart
so many reasons to love

a girl with angel wings
with an arm full of hearts

With hugs and kisses
and loving wishes for a
Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL098

A special Valentine,

teddy bear holding a Valentine

Teddy bears
are made for hugging,
and you know what else is, too?
An extra-special granddaughter
who's lovable-
like you!

Happy XOXO Day


Number VAL099

You are a joy
Having a granddaughter
like you is delightful
Seeing that magical smile of yours
and hearing your laughter
brings so much joy.

pink and red heart shaped balloons
and a basket of flowers

You're a wonderful granddaughter,
and on Valentine's Day
you're wished lots of love
and all the things
that make you happy!

Have a Wonderful
Valentine's Day


Number VAL100

On Valentine's Day

pink cupcake decorated
with pink and red heart candy

This holiday always
brings someone to mind
Who's thoughtful and helpful
and loving and kind...

Who spreads lots of sunshine
and happiness, too,
And you should know,
that someone is you!

Have a Wonderful Day


Number VAL101

You're always up to something-
like making people smile,
You have a way about you-
a cute, determined style...

pink kitty cat surrounded
by shiny pink hearts

And Hearts Day is the perfect time
to say what's always true,
No granddaughter anywhere
could be more loved than you!

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL102

You're a busy granddaughter
with lots to get done,
like playing and running
and just having fun...

shiny pink card with hearts
scattered around the words

Hope you'll take a time-out
(at least a short while)
for a wish full of Love
and a Valentine smile

Happy Valentine's Day
Love you


Number VAL103

just by being your happy,
wonderful, silly self...

red card with shiny hearts
and a girl holding ice cream
and candy

(Inside) show the world
what girls are really about.
On Valentine's Day and always,
remember how special you are!

Happy Hearts and Candy Day


Number VAL104

Valentine's Day is a time
to say what's in our hearts-
to tell you how nice it is
to be with you,
to talk with you,
and to share with you...

red card with sparkling
flowers scattered about

And you should know,
your thoughtfulness and caring
have touched so many lives
in so many beautiful ways...

You're a rare and special person,
and you're loved and appreciated
more than words can say.

Happy Valentine's Day


Number VAL105

Granddaughter checklist

pink card with a heart
cut out with the checklist

Granddaughter, you're
all of the above!
Happy Valentine's Day
Love You!


Number VAL106

Hey, Granddaughter!

knock, knock
who's there?
Wanda how?

an angel with a magic wand

Wanda wish you a
Happy Valentine's Day
With Love


Number VAL107

For a Special

sunflower with a happy
butterfly, ladybug and

Wishing you a lot of fun
every single minute
Because the world's a nicer place
with sweet girls like you in it!

Happy Valentine's Day
With Love


Number VAL109

My Sister
My Friend

Having you for a sister
means that I laugh a lot
and have someone
I can talk to
about so many things...

a pink card decorated
with a red heart and ribbon

You're a really good
sister and friend.
And you're
very important
in my life
and my world.

Happy Valentine's Day


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